Issue 113 Summer 2004-05
Exhibitions Edward Hanfling, Auckland; Rebecca Rice, Wellington; Gina Irish, Christchurch; Pennie Hunt, DunedinConal McCarthy Pictures at an Exhibition: Trusttum does Mussorgsky
Hamish Keith Pat Hanly 1932-2004
Bridie Lonie Global or Local?: The Melbourne Art Fair
Anne Kirker A New Zealander at the Pacific Rim: Philippa Blair in Venice
Abbey-Rose Lewis Fragments of Former Glory: The Architectural Collages of Lindsey Kirk
Norman Bilbrough Portraits of Diversity: Philip Butler's Otahuhu Panels
Daniel Rainforth Resident Evil: Richard Lewer in Wanganui, Auckland, Sydney and Beyond
Joanne Drayton Picturing a Bohemian: The Extraordinary Career of Rhona Haszard
Gina Irish A Place in Time: A 21st Century Documentary Project