Issue 105 Summer 2002-03


Anna Miles, Auckland; Courtney Johnston, Wellington; Margaret Duncan, Christchurch; Bridie Lonie, Dunedin

David Eggleton Earth and Spirit: Robyn Kahukiwa's Mauri Ora!

Bronwyn Fletcher Between Fine and Folk: The Paintings of Teuane Tibbo

Jonathan Mane Wheoki Change of Tempo: The Queensland Art Gallery's Asia- Pacific Triennial 2002

Andrew Paul Wood Dark Paradise: Notes on the Paintings of Tony de Lautour

Richard Wolfe At the Mercy of Nature: The Abstractions of Richard Adams

David Howard How to Occupy Ourselves: Seeing Through Roger Hickin

Anthony Byrt Looking Apple in the Eye: Mixed Messages in Billy Apple's Severe Tropical Storm 9301 Irma

Grant Thompson Morris Kershaw (1912-1977): Photographer of an Era

Damian Skinner Modernist Victories: Representation and Reaction at the Sarjeant Gallery

Peter Simpson Sculpture on the Waterfront: The PricewaterhouseCoopers Tower

