Issue 90 Autumn 1999
Bricks in Aspic: Adrian Hall talks to Wystan Curnow & Robert LeonardCaroline Vercoe A Pacific Presence: Tautai at the Sixth Australian Art Fair
Deirdre Brown Initiative and Initiation: Memory Walking at the City Gallery
Hugh Maguire All Things Bright and Beautiful: Nigel Brown and Glassworks at Auckland's Holy Trinity Cathedral
Stephen Zanoski Tracey Island: New Works by Tracey Collins
James Norcliffe Rudolf Boelee: Visions of Utopia
Riemke Ensing Punctuating the Mind: Annette Isbey in Her Studio
Emily Simpson Mute Poetry: The Art of Anna Hollings
Warwick Brown Allen Gyde: A Constructivist Sculptor Returns Home
Mark Derby The Midden of Memory: A Conversation with Grant Corbishley
Karen Stevenson Pacific Art: Moving Beyond the Stereotype
William McAloon Stirring the Pot: Recent Paintings by Shane Cotton
Damian Skinner A Dedicated Follower of Fashion: Mason Handprints at the Hawke's Bay Museum
Luke Morgan Auckland's Victorian Fountain
Brian Stewart Queenin 1965 - 1999 Letters