Issue 50 Autumn 1988
Ross Fraser The First Years of Art New ZealandTom Hutchins The Flamingo and the Bomb: A Performance by Darcy and Miriam Lange
Francis Pound Who is Uncle Frank: A Commentary on a McCahon Catalogue
Leonard Bell The Encyclopaedic Vision: Exhibits at Artspace
Anne Kirker The Sculptor as Beachcomber: An Appraisal of Rosalie Gascoigne's Assemblages
Ross Fraser Laurence Betham: An Independent Painter
Kevin Ireland Women by Hanly
Rangihiroa Panoho A Decade in the Dome: Ten Years of Installations at the Sarjeant Gallery
Brenda Tennent Edward Bullmore 1933-1978
John Chadwick Edward Bullmore at the Bath-House: Vicarious Vignettes of a Lifetime and an Evening
Pam Walker A Conscious and Insistent Economy: Helen Mary Stewart 1900-1983
Judith Hamilton Olivia Spencer Bower: The Spinners Series
Elizabeth Grierson Alan Gilderdale
Lita Barrie Laurence Aberhart: Signs of Mortality
Linda Gill The Auckland Association of Women Artists
P.M. Cowley A New Auckland Gallery