Issue 127 Winter 2008


Edward Hanfling Auckland; Rebecca Rice Wellington; Harold Grieves Christchurch; Kathryn Mitchell Dunedin

Douglas Lloyd Jenkins Ted Dutch (1928-2008): The Anxiety of Technological Man

David Eggleton Raider of the Lost Ark: Francis Upritchard in Taranaki

Grant Thompson Making Painting: The Art of Sarah Munro

Aaron Lister Whistle-Blower: Hamish Keith's Big Picture

Gregory O'Brien A Tour Guide of Real and Imagined Places: Graham Percy (1938-2008)

Dorothee Pauli A Talent to Engage: The Watercolours of Gabrielle Hope (1916-1962)

Damian Skinner Design for Living: Exhibiting Helen Hitchings

Richard Dale Sylvan Scene: The New Zealand Experiment

